Ron Liu Blog

[“vscode”] How to setup tslint

I knew tslint is deprecating, but there are still projects using it. And recently I am doing a ionic project with angular which actually using tslint for lint. My goals are:

  • use command line to lint and format ts files
  • in vscode, when save it will automatically lint and format
  • The above two ways should share the exact same configurations

It took me a while to set them up, but basically we use tslint and prettier, and the tslint for lint for syntax, and leave format for prettier.


  1. npm i tslint -D

  2. Config tslint by touch tslint.json, and the file content is like below:

      "extends": ["tslint:recommended", "tslint-config-prettier"],
      "rules": {}

    tslint-config-prettier will turn off the tslint format rule. Also we need to turn off the format rules in rules.

  3. npm i prettier tslint-config-prettier -D, prettier is the format package, and tslint-config-prettier package is to turn off all format options in tslint

  4. Config prettier touch .prettierrc as below maybe:

      "singleQuote": true,
      "semi": false,
      "trailingComma": "es5"
  5. In vscode install the following two plugins: esbenp.prettier-vscode and ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin, and setup as below:

      "editor.formatOnSave": false, // save will trigger format
      "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
        "source.fixAll.tslint": true // save will implement tslint rules (currently just syntax rules)